Wednesday, July 29, 2009

History of Abbasi Family ( Branches, Origin etc....)


The Dhund Abbasi are a tribe of northern Pakistan. The tribe claims descent from Dhond Khan (a nickname of Shah Wali Khan) and `Abbas ibn `Abd al-Muttalib and hence are known as Dhond Abbasi. The tribe speak the Dhundi-Kairali dialect. The tribe is spread throughout Circle Bakote, Poonch District, Bagh, Kashmir) and the Murree Hills area.


1 Origin of the Dhund Abbasis
2 History
3 Distribution
3.1 Dhund Abbasi of Pakshahi, Halli, District Haripur
4 Dhund Abbasis of Circle Bakote
4.1 Shaikho Khan
5 Dhund abbasi of maira husnal
5.1 Sarrara Abbasi
5.2 Dhond Abbasi of Birote
5.3 Tahir Khan
5.4 Bahgo Khan
5.5 British rule
6 Major branches
7 Sherwal
8 Khalwal of Masoot
9 Dhond Abbasis Of Ausia
10 Polyaal
11 Tadyals
13 Mitwals
14 Slemwals
15 Mirjals
16 Beramals
17 Borayals
17.1 Notable Borayals
18 Kamlals
19 Ranwals Of Namb
20 Malwals
21 Pride of Abbassies
22 Kharal Ghaiyalan (Abbasian) Bagh
23 Ghaiyal (Abbasi) komi kot muzafarabad
24 Dhond Abbasis of Circle Bakote
24.1 Lahr Khan
24.2 Shaikho Khan
24.3 Dhond Abbasi of Birote
24.4 Tahir Khan
24.5 Bahgo Khan
25 Dhund Abbasi are also in Muzaffarabad
25.1 Notable Mirals
26 Jasgam

Origin of the Dhund Abbasis

They came to ancient Pakistan as traders and merchants from Egypt, trading in commodities like fabrics, perfumes and diamonds. They established a colony near Delhi in 1232. Sardar Tolak Khan, who came to Kashmir during the reign of King Zain-ul-Abidin, settled in the Poonch area (now the Bagh District of Azad Kashmir).

Although the tribe traces its roots back to Abbas, it is more likely that the Dhond Abbasi people are descended from the Abbasid dynasty. The descendants of Abbas displaced the Umayyad rulers and were known as the Abbasids, this dynasty and governed for 500 years from Baghdad, Iraq. The rule of the Abbasids extended eastwards across Afghanistan into the South Asian subcontinent,covering the eastern part of modern-day Pakistan.

Extent of Abbasid ruleThe Dhond Abbasi claim descent from the Abbasids. An Abbasid general, Zurrab Khan, was given the task to subjugate the king of Kashmir who refused to pay tribute to Afghanistan. He invaded Kashmir and overthrew the king and married the daughter of the new king. He remained as an ambassador to the state and lived at Darab Kot at Kahuta. His son, Akbar Ghae Khan, is the forefather of all Abbasi tribes, including the Dhond in Murree and Kashmir. Most of the tribe live in the North-West Frontier Province, Murree, Islamabad.

Envoys and traders of the Abbasids came to Taxila, India, where they constructed a mosque and started preaching Islam by the order of Caliph Harun al-Rashid around 844 CE. An Abbasi scholar, Abu Fadhal, taught a Kashmiri King Onti Vermon in 882, and he translated the Quran into Hindi. This was the first translation of the Quran into an Indian language. In 1025 CE, Raja Mall of Jhelum, embraced Islam by Mahmud Ghazni and constructed a fort at Malot, Malpur near Islamabad in present day Pakistan administered Kashmir. He died in Jhelum.

In 1021, the mountains were governed by Gakhars who the Dhond Abbasis in the Delhi Area. The Dhond Abbasis had settled in the area since an ancestor Poro Khan arrived in 880 CE. Noh Khan was his son born in 900 CE. In 968, Karlal chief, Galler Khan, came to Circle Bakote from south Afghanistan. Dhond Chief Sardar Taeq or Taif Khan met with Sabuktagin, the father of Mehmood Ghaznawi at Kabul in 975 CE and joined his army. This alliance continued.


In the book A Glossary of The Tribes & Castes of The Punjab & North-West Frontier Province, published in 1911 the Dhund and other tribes were described as follows:

“ the Dhúnd with the Satti and Ketwal occupy nearly the whole of Murree and Hazára Hills on the right bank of the Jhelum in the Házara and Ráwalpindi districts. Of the three the Dhúnd are the most northern, being found in the Abbottábád tahsil of Házara and in the northern tracts of Ráwalpindi, while below them come the Satti. Andwál appear to be one of the Dhund clans. They claim to be descendants of Abbás, the paternal uncle of the prophet; but another tradition that their ancestor Takth Khán came with Taimúr to Delhi where he settled; and that his descendant Zoráb Khán went to Kahúta in the time of Sháh Jahán and beget the ancestors of the Jadwál, Dhánd, Sarrára and Tanáoli tribes. His son Khalára or Kalu Rai was sent to Kashmír and married a Kashmíri woman from whom the Dhúnd are sprung and also a Katwál woman. From another son the Satti, who are the bitter enemies of the Dhúnd, are said to have sprung; but this the Satti deny and claim descent from Nausherwán. These traditions are of course absurd. Kalu Rai is a Hindu name and one tradition makes him brought up by a Brahmin. Colonel Wace wrote of the Dhúnd and Karrál:" Thirty years ago their acquaintance with the Muhammadan faith was still slight, and now though they know more of it and are more careful to observe it, relics of their Hindu faith are still observable in their habits". This much appears certain that that the Dhúnd, Satti, Bib, Chibh and many others are all of Hindu origin, all originally occupants of the hills on this part of the Jhelum, and all are most probably connected. Among the Punwár clans mentioned by Tod and supposed to be extinct by him are the Dhoonda, Soruteah, Bheeba, Dhúnd, Jeebra, and Dhoonta; and it is not impossible that these tribes may be of Punwár clans. The history of these clans is given at page 592 ff of Sir Lepel Griffin's, Punjáb Chiefs. They were almost exterminated by the Sikhs in 1837

“ In Hazára the local tradition makes two of the two main Dhúnd clans, Chandiál and Ratniál, descendants of two Rájput chiefs who were descended from Gahi, ruler of a tract around Delhi. To this day they refuse to eat with other Muhammadans or even to allow them to touch their cooking vessels. At weddings they retain the Hindu customs, whereby the barat or procession spends 2 or 3 days at the house of the bride's father, and various other Hindu social observances. They rarely marry outside the tribe, but polygamy is fairly common among them. ”


They are found in the Abbottabad District and Murree Tehsil,dheerkot, salian, chirala sohawa, (azad Kashmir) although they are scattered in other parts of the Indian Subcontinent.[5]=

The Dhond Abbasi tribe inhabit the northern areas around the Federal Capital of Pakistan, Islamabad. From Federal Capital area of Pakistan Islamabad to Capital of Muzzafarabad,Azad Kashmir villages after villages are inhabitated by Abbasi tribe and its population extends to millions now. The villages of Shahadra,Bhara Kahu and Phulgran are famous villages in vicinity of Islamabad. The village of Phulgran is populated by Dhondes who belong to the Chamla Khan branch of the tribe. Most of he inhabitants of Bhara Kahu are from this tribe who moved down from the adjacent hills for economic and business opportunities. Murree is mainly inhabited by Dhondes, the tribe extends to NWFP in areas such as Lora, Nagri Tutial. The tribe extends to Bagh and Muzaffarabad Districts of AJK where a branch of Chandal Dhondes settled, they belong to Chand Khan (Malik Chand Khan Abbasi) son of Tulak Khan. Rattan Khan settled at Basian junction of Punjab and NWFP. The descendants of Rattan Khan are now a majority in Murree and NWFP. The Dhond Abbasi sub-tribe Shirals inhabited are settle in UC Behali.

Dhund Abbasi of Pakshahi, Halli, District Haripur

A vast majority of Abbasi tribe is living in villages Pakshahi, Halli, Barkot, Jabri and Phallah Tehsil and District Haripur. Their forefathers originate from Murree. The notable and prominent persons are Nazir Ahmad Abbasi of village Pakshahi, Khushal Khan Abbasi of Halli, Riasat Ali Abbasi of Barkot, Masood Pervez Abbasi of Jabri and Riffat Ali Abbasi of Phallah. Moreover, Abbasis are in minority in villages Kotla, Sangra, Kharian, Pir Sohawa, Nilan Bhoto, Kohmal, Makhanial, Desra, Sambal, Jandi, Seri, Baghpur Dheri, Dartian, Khanpur and Pind Gakhra (near Taxila),Tehsil & district Haripur and Village Gokina and Talhar in Federal Area. Abbasis also reside in Dhoke Abbasi and Sarai Kharbooza, near Tarnol,Islamabad.

Dhund Abbasis of Circle Bakote

Rattan Khan (Abdurehman) took charge in 1400. He reformed agriculture and allowed a large part of Circle Bakote to be cultivated. Rattan Khan had four sons. Rattan Khan's Kashmiri wife was called Zulaikha and she had given birth to Bodrha Khan, forefather of Budreal of Malkot (b. 1425), Hejhe Khan, forefather of Hejheal of Dewal, Murree (1427) and Baikh Khan, forefather of Bekhal (1429). Zulaikha died from smallpox in 1430. Rattan Khan married another lady, Paris Jan, in the same year and she gave birth to Lahr Khan in 1433.[citation needed] General Muahmmad Riaz Khan of Dewal Sharif was the first General of Dewal Sharif. He was know for his honesty and dedication for his country.He remained in uniform till his last breath on 26 April 1979. General Riaz was D.G ISI at the time of General Zia ul Haq and was die hard soldier.His father was also in British Army as Capt and Aide de camp of the than chief of British Army Field Marshal.

Shaikho Khan

Shaikho Khan (real name Shaikh Khan) was renowned for his rule of Circle Bakote. His wife, Bafat Jan, belonged to the Chameati Tribe, and she is famed for diplomacy with other tribes.

Historians praised her as the real ruler of Circle Bakote. She also eased tension with the south. Shaikho Khan was also a great reformer who developed industry, religion and education in Circle Bakote. He was the most favoured feudal lord of the Ghakhers Rulers as he provided well equipped men to them in their revolt against Emperor Sher Shah Suri. He paid the taxes and revenue to Ghakhers also. He was father of four sons named Changas (Changaize) Khan (b. 1488), Moyoo (Moj) Khan (b. 1492), Nikoder Khan (b. 1495) and Khan Dada (b. 1497). These four dominated in Birote Kalan, Birote Khurd and Bakote. .= =

Dhund abbasi of maira husnal

one of the son of PEER MALIK SORAJ the father of all abbasi's who are living in murree one of his son named GHAR KHAN his family moved from murree to galyat SEER MAIRA HUSSNALL are settled there. thy all are very brive intelligent and hardworking guys. after the death of PEER MALIK SORAJ it was the ghir who was annconced as the leader of tribles there were very famous persnalities in the past such as samundar khan, his son faiz akber khan, who had nine sons but unfortuntly four of them died before marriage other five were SERVER KHAN CHAND KHAN AZEEM KHAN ORANZAIB KHAN WHO WERE VERY BRAVE AND FAMOUS in there part of area especially CHAND KHAN locally known as CHAN Khan the breavest man in his area. he had two sons UNQAB ABBASI AND ZARAB ABBASI. ZARAB ABBASI went America in U.N.O to settle one of the STATE of USA Named Heaty. where he performed increadblely well and back after four year with government of US and pakistn proved him sitra hey imtaiz and US miltry award as well. he had two three sons WASIQ ZARAB ABBASI, SAKKIB ZARAB ABBASI, ATIF ZARAB ABBASI The tratry of all that abbasies are lived in this part of world which is very near to murree. people are very hard working and very famous for hospitality and as well as caring. they all all are very petrot they love Pakistan and they want Pakistan to be the greatest nation of the world they belive the quid is the great leader of Pakistan for this part of the world Naseem Abbasi is one of the famous poet in Pakistan now a days. After Habib Jalib and ahmed faraz Naseem abbasi provide a New way of Urdu poetry like "wo kadam kadam py musafit main dall b rahat hai maira hareef maira hmsafar b rahta hai tum na choro apny garo ka ahsasa mary pass mujy amntu main kayanat ka dar b rahata hai kisi ka payar ghari do ghari ki bat ni lagy ya rog to umer bhar b rahat hai hassen sortain dil main auter he jati hain chakoor chand ki kirnoo py jaan daita hai wo muj say khall darndoo ki mangta hai naseem darkt kat raha hai michan daita hai

Well known personilities now a days are HAQ NAWAZ ABBASI MURTAZA JAVID ABBASI (MNA PML(N))

Sarrara Abbasi

Another clan is the Sararra Abbasi, they mainly inhabit Pattan Kalan and some areas of Kukmang. Sarra Abbasi was one of twelve sons of Akber Gai Khan and the grandson of Zarab Khan ancestor of Abbasi who came to area of Kahuta and settled there. One of the twelve sons is predecessor of Dhond Abbasis named as Kahonder Khan, one of the other son is Tanoli Khan whose successors are settled in area of Tanawal and Darbund.

Dhond Abbasi of Birote

Birote is the home of the four Khan brothers, who ruled between 1500 to 1590. The Dhond Abbasi of Birote Kalan trace their descent from Adhari Khan. Adhari Khan had four sons, the most important two are Tahir Khan (b. 1730) and Bahgo Khan (b. 1735) from which all Dhond Abbasi families in Birote Kalan trace their descent.

Tahir Khan

Tahir Khan was a person of high calibre with two sons, Shah Mohammed and Lalli Khan. Shah Mohammed had a very large family with seven sons, Fateh Khan, forefather of Phatteal (b. 1782), Sunni Khan, forefather of Sunnial (b. 1785), Newais Khan, forefather of Niwaesal (b. 1790), Mir Khan, forefather of Miral (b. 1793), Saffer Khan, forefather of Saffreal (b. 1796), and Bakhsh Khan (b.1799) and six daughters. His sons' descendants having a separate identity as a sub-tribe. Tahir Khan younger brother, Lalli Khan, had only three sons, Jamal Khan (1780), Qassal Khan (B. 1784), and Bolaki Khan (b. 1788). Bolaki Khan was a rising leader of family and milestone in Birote rulers. He imposed a travelling tax on everybody among his own family, his palace today is now a hotel and possessed by Sain Mohammed Abbas Khan.

He was killed by his own family members due to this tax dispute. Khushi Mohammed (Abdul Gafoor) is the main personality of Bolaki Khan family now. Jamal Khan had two sons, Marwat Khan, forefather of Murtal (b.1805) and Haji Khan, forefather of Hajiaal (b. 1808). General Councilor of UC, Birote Zoaq Akhter Abbasi, belonged to Murtal and Ex-Chairman UC Birote Haji Mohammed Azam Khan belonged to Hajiaal family. Kassal Khan had two sons, Fakar Khan, forefather of Fikeeral of Tangan and Bamboo Khan, forefather of Bambeal of Hotyrerhi (Birote Khurd). Mohammed Rezaq Khan belonged to the Fakeeral family of Tangan, who started the first transport bus, Murree Hills Transport, on Upper Dawal Kohala Road in 1964.

Bahgo Khan

Bahgo Khan was the younger brother of Tahir Khan. He was a religious person and not interested in politics. He had four sons, Masti Khan, forefather of Masteal (b. 1760), Mahr Khan, forefather of Mehral (b. 1772), Kamal Khan, forefather of Kamlal (b. 1775) and Dast Khan, forefather of Dasteal (b. 1779). Kamil Khan had only one son, Naserdeen Khan, forefather of the Naserdeenaal family. Nazim of Birote Afaq Abbasi belonged to the Kamalal family.

British rule

Prior to and during the time of British rule those who lived in the Hill areas had herded goats and sheep and had horses and donkeys and Khachers for luggage and transportation for their own goods.

In 1857, the Dhonds, along with other mountain tribes, attempted to rise up against the British in Murree but failed.

The educated population of this tribe settled in province capitals and Islamabad. Their ancestral profession has changed, some are now civil servants, others are in politics or the hotel industry.

Abbasi in Kehal A vast majority of Dhond Abbasi live in Kehal. They immigrated from Kashmir, the center of Abbasids. They are prominent and influential during elections of NA-17 and PF-44 in the Abbottabad district. They are famous for their honesty, and quality education.

Major branches

This group originates in Murree and Lora to Haripur. Now, they reside in the areas of Gundaf, Kaleinjer and surrounding areas in Disst. Haripur. Their forefather was Baba Sher. Herpalal, Khairwal and Kulwal also reside in these areas but they are in the minority. They are all descendants of Andwal.

Khalwal of Masoot

Khalwal is a major branch of Dhond Abbasi, largely residing in Masoot and other areas.

Dhond Abbasis Of Ausia
Abbasis living in Ausia and surrounding areas are siblings of Budhra Khan, known as Bhdurial Abbasi's.

Malkaal The greatest Subcost mostly living in Dewal shareef

Clan Khalwal (Dhond Abbasi) are residing mostly in Massot. Their some family members are also residing in Kala Ban (Hazara) It is big sub tribe of village. They extracted their name khalwal from their forefather Khiloo Khan who was one of the son of Rawal Khan of Massot.


The descendants of Pola Khan (son of Haje Khan) are known as Polyaal, they live mainly in Dewal Sharif, Lower Dewal, Ausia and Phagwari and are also scattered in different parts of Murree and Punjab also a largest family in Dewal Sharif.


Sardar Mohammad Abbas Khan of Makara (Murree, UC. Pagwari): Sardar Mohammad Abbas Khan was the first SSP officer in Pakistan after partition and retired in 1954. Sardar mOHSIN ABBASI (PML N) pAKISTAN ,S. Gen. wORLD muslim org, is the grand son of Sardar abbass khan Hafiz Mustasam Abbasi(piece Tv) is also grand son


Iswal is a prominent family of the Murree tehsil and Rawat union council.They were the real owners of the area. Mr Jalal Khan Abbasi father of Sarfaraz Hussain Abbasi was most prominent among Iswalfamily of Mohra Shareef. He was the person who introduced pir of Mohra shareef for his influence over the people of Murre.He had great influence over his people and tenants of the are, even English people particularly administration never take any decision or step with out his consultation.His brother Abbas Khan was famous layer of his time and government contractor as well along with his elder brother Jalal Khan.They Were Known as Bra Khan G r Thakadar G. They always helped their community and people of the Muree.Mr Jalal Khan had dozens of servants and guards around him.It is said that the property he had could not be caculated and the other sources he had with him.His servants later on took full advantage of his generous and kind nature.He gifted them lot of land and money when ever some one requested.After the injury of his elder son Sarfaraz Khan at Nowshera,he became upset and remained at home. He given up every thing and even fed up with his bussiness.Sardar Sarfaraz Khan was admitted in CMH but during his injury his parents died at Mohra Eiswal and buried near their fore fathers house.Muhammad Mehrban abbasi retired inspector punjab police of lora dehri kaila belong to iswal family an famous personality of lora union council.

Only Sardar Sarfaraz Khan is now alive of his family. He has four sons and two daughters.All of them are living their happy life and serving their mother land.


Descendants of Mita Khan are known as Mitwals. Most of the clan live in Aliot, Dewal Sharif, and the rest are scattered in different villages. Notable Mitwals

Col (r) Habib Khan Member National Assembly 1971-1977
Miss Fauzia Habib Member National Assembly 2002- Till Date
Capt Zafar Iqbal Shaheed First Receipient HILAL e JURAT 14 August 1948


Descendants of Saleem Khan are known as Slemwal. Most of the Slemwal live in lower Dewal Sharif


Descendants of Mira Khan are known as Mirjals and live for the most part in Dewal Sharif and scattered in Murree.


Descendants of Suraj Khan after that descendants of Behram Khan are known as Baramals, Mostly living in Company Bagh (Charra Pani) Near Murree.

Proud of Beramals....

(Wel known Personality) 1-Raja Khan Zaman Khan

(Wel Known Personality) 2-Raja Mehrban Khan

(Wel Known Personality) 3-Raja Shaukat Mehrban (Nazim)


The descendants of Bora Khan are known as Borayals. Most live in Dewal Shrif and suburbs.

Notable Borayals

-Air Cmdr(Rt) Waheed Abbasi -Col (R) Naseem Abbasi -Cmdr Zafar Mehmood Abbasi (Pak Navy)


Kamlals also live in Dewal Shrif (Murree) and Birote (Circle Bakote) but they are not Hijals.

Ranwals Of Namb

The biggest subcaste in Ranwals are Thingrals.notable ranwals are Haq Nawaz Abbasi(NAZIM),Prof. Zakir Abbasi,Almas Abbasi.Haq Nawaz Abbasi and Almas Abbasi own a national newspaper named 'Daily Azkaar'


Descendants of Malo Khan are known as Malwals. Malwals mainly live in the villages of Seehanna, Angoori, Namb, Dhal on the Grand Trunk Road near Phagwari, Potha Sharif, near village Alyot.

Pride of Abbassies
Sardar Mohammad Abbas Khan of Makara (Murree, UC. Pagwari) and Sardar Noor Khan (Murree UC. Rawaat) were well known before and after partition. Sardar Mohammad Abbas Khan was the first SSP officer in Pakistan after partition and retired in 1954. Sardar Noor Khan was a member of Parliament and both were known as men of principle in Pakistan history. He was the unanimous and unopposed leader of all the tribes of the murree region until he voluntarily relinquished the title and retired from politics in 1946.

Sardar attique ahmed khan Abbasi Ex prime Minister azad kashmir

Kharal Ghaiyalan (Abbasian) Bagh

Around 1640, an uncle and his nephew settled across the Jhelum River from the Kahuta district Punjab to Poonch Kashmir. They settled in Kharal, a village at the north east of Bagh town, and brought their families to live with them. Both uncle and nephew divided the village and built their farms and cultivated wheat. Wheat was not suitable for the climate so they grew maize too. Wheat was abandoned because the maize crop was delayed. Kharal covers an area of 1,200 acres (4.9 km2) with small streams and mountainous terrain all around. In 2005, many lives were lost to an earthquake. The estimated population in 1999 was seven thousand. Kharal Ghaiyalan (Abbasian) falls on the Ceasefire line or line of control (LOC).

Ghaiyal (Abbasi) komi kot muzafarabad

Sub(R) M Rafiq abbasi late Muhammad Aslam Abbasi M Riaz Abbasi writer of two books ang Sectory General bazmy razay Mustafa Union concel komi kot MUHAMMAD AMJAD kHAN ABBASI

Dhond Abbasis of Circle Bakote

Rattan Khan (Abdurehman) took charge as a feudal chief of Murree Hills, Circle Lora and Circle Bakote in about 1400. His first reform, as the major landowner in the area, was the promotion of agricultural base of the community. As a result a large part of Circle Bakote cultivated and many villages are famous for their agriculture products. Hotrol (Land of paddy fields), Hotrerhi (a small piece of land cultivated by farmer) are memorials of that time. Rattan Khan had four sons, three from a lady of Kashmir and one who had a local mother. Rattan Khan's Kashmiri wife was called Zulaikha and she had given birth to Bodrha Khan, forefather of Budreal of Malkot (b. 1425), Hejhe Khan, forefather of Hejheal of Dewal, Murree (1427) and Baikh Khan, forefather of Bekhal (1429). Zulaikha died by smallpox in 1430. Rattan Khan than married another local lady, Paris Jan, in the same year and she gave birth to Lahr Khan in 1433.

Lahr Khan
Lahr Khan was the youngest brother of Traeka and demanded his portion of the family inheritance in 1478 -when Rattan Khan died. His three elder brothers resisted and he contested this issue in Pherwala Gakhar Court. Gakhar Chief Malik Boga decided that the land from the end of Dewal to Boi would be awarded to Lahr Khan and a boundary of mentioned land signed by all of them. This decision caused Lahr's half brothers to unite against him, and he laid foundation of new region of Hazara now called Circle Bakote. He had also four sons: Hammu Khan (b. 1457), Humaira Khan (b. 1455), Shaikho Khan (b. 1450) and Pailo Khan (b. 1460). History records only Shekho Khan descendants, because he possessed courage and leadership against enemies from south.

Shaikho Khan
Shaikho Khan (real name Shaikh Khan) was renowned for his rule of Circle Bakote. His wife Bafat Jan belonged to the Chameati Tribe, and she is famed for diplomacy with other tribes.

Historians like Frishta and Kegohar Nama praised her and says that she was the real ruler of Circle Bakote. She also eased tension with the south. Shaikho Khan was also a great reformer who invited the working class for development of Circle Bakote, water mills, ginning factories, weaving communities, and leading class of Imams, religious scholars, and teachers came there in his time. He was the most favoured feudal lord of the Ghakhers Rulers as he provided well equipped men to them in their revolt against Emperor Sher Shah Suri. He regularly paid the taxes and revenue to Ghakhers also. He was father of four younger and brave sons named Changas (Changaize) Khan (b. 1488), Moyoo (Moj) Khan (b. 1492), Nikoder Khan (b. 1495) and Khan Dada (b. 1497). These four dominated in Birote Kalan, Birote Khurd and Bakote.

Dhond Abbasi of Birote

The four Khan brothers lived in Birote, and ruled between 1500 and 1590. The Dhond Abbasi of Birote Kalan trace their descent from Adhari Khan. Adhari Khan had four sons, the most important of whom are Tahir Khan (b. 1730) and Bahgo Khan (b. 1735) from which all Dhond Abbasi families in Birote Kalan trace their descent. The other two sons are believed to have migrated elsewhere and their name has not been recorded.

Tahir Khan

Tahir Khan was a person of high calibre with two sons, Shah Mohammed and Lalli Khan. Shah Mohammed had a very large family with seven sons including Fateh Khan, forefather of Phatteal (b. 1782), Sunni Khan, forefather of Sunnial (b. 1785), Newais Khan, forefather of Niwaesal (b. 1790), Mir Khan, forefather of Miral (b. 1793), Saffer Khan, forefather of Saffreal (b. 1796), and Bakhsh Khan (b.1799) and six daughters. His sons' descendants having a separate identity as a sub-tribe. Tahir Khan younger brother Lalli Khan having only three sons named Jamal Khan (1780), Qassal Khan (B. 1784), and Bolaki Khan (b. 1788). Bolaki Khan was a rising leader of his family and stood out among Birote rulers. He imposed a travelling tax on everybody among his own family, his palace today is now a hotel owned by Sain Mohammed Abbas Khan.

He was killed by his own family members due to this tax dispute and deported his family to Kahoo Sharqi. Khushi Mohammed (Abdul Gafoor) is the main personality of Bolaki Khan family now. Jamal Khan had two sons, Marwat Khan, forefather of Murtal (b.1805) and Haji Khan, forefather of Hajiaal (b. 1808). General Councilor of UC Birote Zoaq Akhter Abbasi is descended from Murtal and Ex-Chairman UC Birote Haji Mohammed Azam Khan belonged to Hajiaal family. Kassal Khan had two sons, Fakar Khan, forefather of Fikeeral of Tangan and Bamboo Khan, forefather of Bambeal of Hotyrerhi (Birote Khurd). Mohammed Rezaq Khan belonged to the Fakeeral family of Tangan who started the first bus company, Murree Hills Transport on Upper Dawal Kohala Road in 1964.

Bahgo Khan

Bahgo Khan was the younger brother of Tahir Khan. He was a religious person and not interested in politics. He had four sons named Masti Khan, forefather of Masteal (b. 1760), Mahr Khan, forefather of Mehral (b. 1772), Kamal Khan, forefather of Kamlal (b. 1775) and Dast Khan, forefather of Dasteal (b. 1779). Kamil Khan had only one son Naserdeen Khan, forefather of Naserdeenaal family. Nazim of Birote Afaq Abbasi belonged to the Kamalal family.

'Muqarab Abbasi' Muqarab Abbasi, of the Birote family, is director of the U.S. agency, NASA.

Dhund Abbasi are also in Muzaffarabad

There are great number of Dhund Abbasi in Muzaffarabad. who came from Abbotabad. Some Famous Persons from Muzaffarabad

1) Sardar Atiq Ahmed Khan (Prime Minister of AJK) 2) Muhammad Younus Abbasi ( Assistant Sec. Board of Revune) 3) Khalid Rasheed Abbasi (Sec. of Nomination Board) 4) Muhammad Azhar Abbasi (00971508960891 & 00923009897528) 5) Sardar Zafar ullah Khan Abbasi Prisedent Muslim conference Dist Muzafarabad 6) sardar Mukhtar Ahmed Abbasi Ex candidates of legeslative assembly AJK 7) Muhammad Amjad Khan Abbasi BBa

Notable Mirals
Muzamal Hussain Abbasi, Manager National Bank of Pakistan Muzaffarabad
'Ayaz Mehmood Abbasi He wrote many newspaper articles on local and national problems. He wrote a thesis on the impact of tourism on the environment in Murree. Ayaz Mehmood Abbasi is the pride of Abbasids. He worked day and night for the rehabilitation of affected people of PF 45 and help them out in housing and livelihood cash grant programme of ERRA. He opened an office in Birote to provide necessary information to the people of U/C Birote, Pluck and Bakot regarding housing grant etc. He approached all the departments, organizations and key figures for the development of PF 45 with out any bias, prejudice or discrimination of caste and creed. He is still busy in highlighting issues effecting the development of area concerned.Presently he is working as Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer DRU Mansehra ERRA/PERRA.He was the person who ever in the history of Circle Bakot discovered an old tom near Dana mosque upper part of Birote. He also discovered an old stone idol near nalla Kner kuss. He was the person who laid down the foundation of voluntteer social work in the area.He formed Allam gir development foundation and Human welfare organization.

The Jasgam tribe of abbasi their ancestor are from Dhund.The Jasgam or sometime pronounced Jaskham are tribe of abbasi found in the Punjab province of Pakistan.The Jasgam also found in Kahuta'



  1. Jasgam Abbasis,commonly pronounced as Jaskam are inhabiting in some villages of Kahuta. These include Khuian, Salamber, Chunuian, Sore, Keral, Salithha, Moohri, Balrihiha etc. Haji Abdul Latif Abbasi, former Nazim Union Council Panjar, Kahuta, Brigadier Jehanzeb abbasi, Brigadier Sarwar Abbasi, Lt Col Masood Abbasi (Retired), Lt Col Zia Abbasi, Lt Col Nadeem Abbasi, Arjasib Abbasi, Headmaster Lawrence College Murree are some of the many promonents amongst Kahuta's Abbasis.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Few names missed e.g Haji Allah Ditta Abbasi, ex teacher, Brig Arshad Abbasi, Col faiz Abbasi, Lt Col Imran Abbasi, Maj Shahid Abbasi, Maj Rizwan Abbasi, all belong to village Chuniuan

    3. You are absolutely right.

    4. Em dhund abbasi from sudhnoti Azad kashmir..

  2. not much knowleged produce for Kamlal Abbasi, where Genaral Raiz Khan, Air Comodour Khakan Abbsi MNA Minister of Finance 1986. His Son MNA, Chairman PIA 1999 -2000. Director of Air Blue Air Line. Very repatable Kamalals From Dawal Sharif. Brigadier Muhammed Taj.

  3. Shahid Khakan Abbasi MNA Chairman PIA 1999-2000. Director Of Air Blue Air line. GAllian as he was once a student at Lawernce College Murree.

  4. You have not mentioned about the gharals who is living in masoot and secarted in sinyo Sharif near to numble kindly tell us the gherals family thanks

  5. Abbasis in Kashmir are in the Pakistani side kashmir (AJK). They are pahari speaking. I know few of them from ajk. They have big population in Muree.

  6. Also mention dhirkot.bagh A large ammount of dhoond lives there and also wasti(central) bagh(Ajk).

    1. Yes he missed the the place from where dhomd orignated in dirkot and they are all dhond abbasi without mixing. They have great history of fighting invaders and politics of azad kashmir

  7. Pls mention village Karore Bala Tehsil Kotli Sattian Distt. Rawal pindi

  8. Plz minsion the abbasi union council bagh Abbottabad also belong sooraj khan murree

  9. why did not you discuss about the NAWAB OF BAHAWALPUR
    (NAWAB BAHAWAL KHAN ABBASI) a real descendent of abbasi caliphates of baghdad
    They deserve more respect than murree and kashmir abbasids

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It is not necessary to mention them here.Those people argue between the real and fake.Who don't have their own past. we also respect of our bhawalpur's brothers but never talk to others like you.

    3. Actually the Abbasies of Bahawalpur or Nawab of Bahawlpurs came from Baghdad through Bab e Islam I.e Sind, and so their history in sub continent is different than Abbasies of North.

    4. Ahmed abbasi
      My WhatsApp number
      Plzzz contact me

  10. Bot he behtreen note ha plz agar polyaal brothery k bare me aap k pass detail ha to plz send Kare

  11. Sir also include the histroy of dada malik Suraj history and his sons

  12. If you abbassi why do some of you use Rajput title Raja when you are not Rajput?

    1. Aja sirname ha koi nsal ya qoom nhi or raja or rajput ma frk ha is k bry ma b prh lnn thora pta chll juga apko

    2. Raja lafz as a title use hots ha or ho sakta abbasi khandan ka kuch logo na rajpoot khandan sa b shadiya Ke the tab use karta ho

    3. Various titles are used by people in different areas as a symbol of prominence and Raja is one of them. In some areas of Punjab Chaudhary is used by people belonging to different clans like Jatts, Gujjars and even Rajputs. So don’t mix use of Raja with caste, tribe or clan.

  13. I am also abbasi but I read first time history of abbasi it's really much increase my knowledge about it..

  14. Hay, can you explain why Abbasi people use Khan with their names? That's the point nobody has mentioned as for as I know.
    Well, I am Farid Abbasi from Seer Sharqi Maira Rahmal Union council Nagri.

    1. Assalam oalekum bhai,
      Every one can use the word Khan with their name, because Khan is not a tribe its a title & can be used by the
      old or senior members of any family, the meaning of khan is chief or king, it was used by the mogol emperor Changaiz khan for the first time n then as time passed evrey senior or leader of a clain or a family statred using it as an title,

    2. Hamza Shahban Abbasi
      from Tehsil, Kahuta District
      this is my Whtsapp no.

    3. Those Abbasi who served under British rule and appointed as ruler of a particular area was titled as khan, not everyone can use this title even if you are Abbasi.

    4. Thanks for the contact number... let's exchange the I formation on WhatsApp... regards

  15. My email address is Please contact me as I am also researching on Dhund Abbasi history. We might be able to exchange some useful information. Thanks. Farid Abbasi

    1. Bhai my email address is
      if u have any questions u can contact me.

    2. I saved your cell number but you are not there on WhatsApp. I am also from Kahuta and wanted to get in touch to share our knowledge about Abbasi tribe dwelling in our region. Anyone on this forum may like to contact me on 0334-526-1218. Zia Ullah Abbasi

  16. If you have read my comment then please contact. Thanks

  17. Excellent informations. Great work, really appreciated. Although you miss few things but even then it's great work. Highly appreciated. Keep it up. Proud to be a member of Abbasied family.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. V nice information. It would be better if write in Urdu. Excellent efforts

  20. Katbar is the sub tribe of abbasi

  21. if anybody knows ..plz share sardar akbar gai khan's brother names

  22. History of abbasids residing Bagh especially in dhiirkot did not mention here.... That's not fair.... Our ancienter both chand and rattan died and buried in chamankot dheerkot..... All dhoonds should know where is the tomb of their ancienter

    1. Yes... dhond originated from chamkot in the region and dirkot based dhond has great history and a very well known tribe in azad kashmir even after having small polulation ..

  23. Nice effort but this is neither exact nor complete....we should try to make it better reliable and authentic....

  24. I think that is tragedy.... We should wrote an authentic book on dhooond Abbasi..... Their history and origin which link our ancienters from Arabs..... When the word khan added with our ancienters name and why??? Clear and authentic information should be noted

  25. What about jaswal tribe ??? Residing in shadara and Dana awein, nambal dana murree

  26. You missed famous Haji Sarfaraz Khan Abbassi who was majaz of Mohra Shareef and Additional Auditor General of Pakistan, after partition. He belonged to Village Kaho just before Beroit and his annual Urs is hold 2nd week of March, at Shadman Graveyard, Lahore.

  27. Sarrara Abaasi of UC kukmang,
    Lt Gen (Retd) Sabir and Test Crickter Yasir Hameed Querashi

  28. i hate only one cast in my life that is abbasi

    1. Your hate or love to Abbasis doesn’t matter a bit. Keep hating and getting happier each & every moment

    2. anyone in were from your family killed by Abbasids?so that the reason

    3. It's mean you hate the descendants of Hazrat Abbas R.A..".Once holy prophet came to the house of Hazrat Abbas and when he saw the sons and father sitting on same mat.He spread his chaddar over them and said, may the descendants of Abbas remain happy and full of emaan"".

  29. You should also tell everyone about dolyal family mostly living in ausia dewal their sacrifices for their country descendants of Great DOLA KHAN

    1. Ofcourse their sacrifices for Pakistan are appreciated every time but dont know what's the matter this time!!

  30. Jawad khizar Abbasi from khiral gayalan (abbasian) bagh ajk

  31. Is there anyone who has the book name Ayena e Quresh.

  32. Mashallah, acha blog likha h apne or kch bhi likhe Abbasi wansh k bare me Mukarram Abbasi from Rampur(U.P) India

    1. Good to know that Abbasis are settled in Rampur, India as well.

  33. Hi thanks for the informative blog ...I am Farid Abbasi from seer Sharqi. If anybody has more information on Abbasi history kindly contact me on my WhatsApp number:

  34. I m Abubakar Abbasi now a days living in Bahawalpur.
    Humari family means Abbasi cast
    Ka SHIJRA.e.Nasb Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) se ja milta hai.
    Ulma karam or hamare ancestors (bazurgo) k Abbasi cast Ahl.e.Bait or Al.e.Muhammad SAW hai. Abbasi cast basically Hashmi cast se drived hoi hai thats why Abbasi are also Saddat or hum log apne sath Syed likhty hain.
    With the passage of time ye fact log mind se washout hota ja ra.

    1. Abbassi Hashmi Zroor hain magar Sayed nahi.

    2. Sayed sirf Hassan O Hussain Sy Chaly aany waly likh skty hain.very are close to them but we are not Sayed.

    3. Bai Jan hashmi Qureshi ni hoty agr hoty Jan to abasi keya Jan

    4. abbasi ahl e bait hyn or syed hyn. apny nasab ko pehchano.

      syed sami hashmi qureshi from islamabad,Hindaal Sarrara Abbasi of Pattan kalan

    5. اہل بیت آنحضرت محمد صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم یعنی حضرت فاطمہ کی اولاد سے شروع ہوتے ہیں۔ اس لیے حضرت عباس کی اولاد ہاشمی تو کہلا سکتے ہیں سید نہیں۔

    6. ایسا نہیں ۔اہلبیت میں آل علی آل عباس آل حارث آل عقیل آل جعفر شامل ہیں انہیں ہی اہلبیت آل محمد ﷺ ذوی القربٰی عترت پاک کہا جاتا ہیں جیسا کہ حضرت علامہ عبدالغنی نابلوسی نقشبندی علیہ الرحمہ نے اپنی کتاب الحدیقةالمدیة الی طریقةالمحمدیة میں بیان فرمایا ہے ۔۔اور یہ سب سادات,کرام کہلاتے ہیں

  35. Is there any Jani khan?
    Can u tell about janiyals

  36. Hi. I am Tauseef abbasi from murree (khani Tak)
    Excellent informations,really really appreciated

  37. You missed a big family of janyal of Jani Khan in Dawel murree

    1. General anees abbasi and his brother Brig zAheer abbasi is well known from janyal family please note this in your page

  38. Please must give detail about 4 brothers jani khan , moda khan ,maida khan and faiz khan . If u have detail about this please provide me ...

  39. I'm Osama Ali Abbasi From Birote Murree. I'm Nawaeisaal Chingsaal Ratnaal Dhond Abbasi, in my Shajra the ancestor are Sardar Nawaeis Khan Abbasi who's Grand son was Sardar Jamiyat Ali Khan Abbasi (Numberdar of UC Birote in 1890's. Also a village name in UC birote Bandi Jamiyet Khan Was named by him), Sardar Changiz Khan Abbasi also known as Chingas Dada, further More Lahr Khan and Sardar Abdul Rehman Khan Abbasi also known as Rattan Khan who's grave is in Chamankot, Azad Kashmir.

  40. From Abbasiyan to Main Birote, All Abbasi sub tribes are descendants of Sardar Changiz Khan Abbasi also Known as Chingas Dada who was the descendant of Shaiko Khan ( son of Lahr Khan). Changiz Khan ruled here in 16th century (1520 to 1600)

    1. Bhi please tell us dalola Dhund Abbasi history

  41. I think this blog need some changes you have to b clear before writing something..... you dont have clear information about abbasi of northern r mixing things and making confusions...... Zuhrab khan came here from delhi or from herat afghanistan..... ushould clear it first??? Stop writing kalhora khan as raja kalo roy.... Roy was a title name accorded to kalhora khan...who marriage the daughter of ruler of kashmir...

  42. Khan was a title accorded to Taiq Abbasi by Sultan Mehmood of Ghazni....Khan is turkish titles which meaning are (Hakim)....His son Zurab Abbasi was sent to fight with Kashmiri Ruler Raja Dhani Roy in 998AD...Zurab Abbasi married with his daughter and settled himself in Kahuta Rawapindi

    1. Sardar zarab abbasi RIP came to kahsmir to take tax from raja on the order of kutub shah and kahsmir raja impressed by his braveness and in reward gave his daughter to him for marry

    2. It's full name was

  43. can i get author's gmail account... or any official contact number?? im a researcher and need some more information. it will be so helpful. plz contact me on

  44. Shahid khakan abbasi key walid khaqan abbasi sey pehley aapko sirf dhund kaha aur likha jata tha aapko abbasi name deney wala pehla admi khakan abbasi tha kia ye durust hy?

  45. خطہ کوہسار و پوٹھوہار، خطہ ہزارہ و کشمیر میں آباد خاندان عباسیہ کی تاریخ پر لکھی گئی کتاب کو آپ اس لنک سے ڈاؤنلوڈ کرسکتے ہیں۔

    1. عباسیہ خاندان کی۔ تاریخ

    2. یہ لنک اوپن نہیں ہو رہا۔ ضیاء عباسی

  46. please send shajra zarrab khan faimly

    1. this is the Shajra of Zorab Khan Written in Abbasiyan e Hind 1819 AD

      Ghayyas Ud Deen Mohammad Zorab Shah Bin Taif Shah Bin Noah Bin Abbass Bin Rafeeh Bin Ishaq Bin Adil Bin Yafis Bin Saeed Bin Mohammad Bin UbaidUllah Bin Abbass Bin Abdul Mutlib a.s

  47. Forefather of Abbasi Tribe of Murree, Hazara, Kashmir is Ghayyas Ud Deen Mohammad Zorab Shah Also known as Sardar Zorab Khan Abbasi (1078 AD) was Governer General and Commander of Armed Forces in Hirat, Afghanistan during the reign of Mehmood Ghaznavi of Ghaznavid Empire. He came to sub continent with Mehmood Ghaznavi during the reign of Abbasi Caliph Al Qadir Billah 990 to 1031 AD, in his War Campaign and attacked on the state of Kashmir. When Zorab Khan reached Kashmir along with his Army, King of Kahmir agreed to pay tax and also married his daughter to Sardar Zorab Khan Abbasi,the Abbasid Army Chief. He received great wealth And lands from King of Kashmir and settled in his state as an Ambassador of Abbasid Dynasty. His Grave is in Darkot, a village of Kohota Tehsil of District Rawalpindi. He had only one son named Ghai Mohammad Akbar Also known as Sardar Akbar Ghai Khan Abbasi whose grave was also next to his father's grave. Sardar Akbar Ghai had twelve sons by whom his race spreads. This incident was recorded in Miraat Us Salaateen along with the family tree of Zorab Khan Abbasi, a famous history book written in Persian in 1836 AD. Also brief History of Dhund Abbasi's along with Family Tree is recorded in Abbasiyan E Hind written in 1819 AD by Mufti Najam Ud Deen Samarqandi.

    Sardar Zorab Khan was the son of Taeq Shah also known as Taif Khan who was an Abbasid Commander in Khurasaan during the reign of Abbasi Caliph Al Ta'eh Li'Amr'illah who ruled from 974 to 991 AD. He later joined Subgtageen (Father of Mehmood Ghaznavi) in Khurasaan.

    The word Dhund was an honorary name given to one of their forefather Hazrat Shah Wali Khan Also Known as Dhund Khan Abbasi by their Spritual Sheikh Hazrat Baha'ud Deen Zakria Multani. Sardar Shah Wali Ullah Khan Abbasi was also a Sufi Saint. He was the Great Grand Son of Sardar Zorab Khan Abbasi. Shah Wali's Brother name was Bagh Wali Khan (Forefather of Ghayyal & Jasgam Abbasi Tribe) living in Poonch and Bagh Districts of Azad Kashmir, along with Tehsil Kohota and Kotli Sattiyan of District Rawalpindi.

    One of Famous Perosnalities of Dhund Abbasi Tribe is Peer Nehmat Shah Also known as Dada Dhummat Khan Abbasi (1380 AD). Dada Dhummat Khan Abbasi was a Sufi Saint & his shrine is in Ghora Gali, Murree. He moved from Poonch Region of Kahsmir to Murree Hills in mid fourteenth century. He was the GrandFather of All Abbasi Tribes of Murree Hills & Hazara KPK Region adjacent to Murree Hills and also GrandFather of Abbasi Tribe's of District Bagh & Muzzaffarabad of Kashmir.

    Dhunds are the largest and most prominent tribe of Murree. Historically besides Murree, tribal abode of Dhund Abbasis include parts of present day Islamabad Capital Territory, Tehsil Kahuta and Kotli Sattian of Rawalpindi, District Abbottabad, Haripur and Mansehra of KPK and Deerkot tehsil in the Bagh district of Azad Kashmir. Besides there is a large population of Dhund tribe in Kahuta tehsil, who are known as Jasgam. According to Gazetteer Rawalpindi 1893-4 they had thirteen villages in tehsil Kahuta to at the time.

    According to Census of India 1881 total population of Dhund Abbasis, excluding Abbasis tribes of Kahsmir, in Rawalpindi and Hazara districts was 32690 of which 18268 lived in Rawalpindi and 14412 in Hazara. Furthermore, Abbasis' constitute overwhelming majority the population of Deerkot tehsil in Bagh district of Azad Kashmir.

    Current data is not available but the total population of Dhunds (Abbasi's) in Murree and surrounding areas of Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Hazara division of KPK and Azad Kashmir is thought to be around 2 to 3 Million.

    Also of the predecessors of the tribe and very reverend Saint Dada (grandfather as he is affectionately called in the area) Peer Mulk Sooraj Khan Abbasi of Potha Sharif was a contemporary of Hazrat Bari Imam, another great saint whose mausoleum is in present day Islamabad. Bari Imam lived in the times of Mughal emperor Jahangir (1606-). This means that the Abbasis were present in considerable numbers at that time.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Correction in this article with respect to Old Historical Books Abbasiyan e Hind 1819, Ansaab Zafarabad 1800, Al Nisaab Ul Qabael Akbaria 1980 & Old Family Trees

    Forefather of Abbasi Tribe of Murree, Hazara, Kashmir is Ghayyas Ud Deen Mohammad Zorab Shah Also known as Sardar Zorab Khan Abbasi (1078 AD) was Governer General and Commander of Armed Forces in Hirat, Afghanistan during the reign of Mehmood Ghaznavi of Ghaznavid Empire. He came to sub continent with Mehmood Ghaznavi during the reign of Abbasi Caliph Al Qadir Billah 990 to 1031 AD, in his War Campaign and attacked on the state of Kashmir. When Zorab Khan reached Kashmir along with his Army, King of Kahmir agreed to pay tax and also married his daughter to Sardar Zorab Khan Abbasi,the Abbasid Army Chief. He received great wealth And lands from King of Kashmir and settled in his state as an Ambassador of Abbasid Dynasty. His Grave is in Darkot, a village of Kohota Tehsil of District Rawalpindi. He had only one son named Ghai Mohammad Akbar Also known as Sardar Akbar Ghai Khan Abbasi whose grave was also next to his father's grave. Sardar Akbar Ghai had twelve sons by whom his race spreads. This incident was recorded in Miraat Us Salaateen along with the family tree of Zorab Khan Abbasi, a famous history book written in Persian in 1836 AD. Also brief History of Dhund Abbasi's along with Family Tree is recorded in Abbasiyan E Hind written in 1819 AD by Mufti Najam Ud Deen Samarqandi.

    Family Tree of Ghayyas Ud Deen Zorab Shah with reference of Arab History Book named "Juzwat Ul Iqtibaas Fi Nasab Bani Abbass 950 AD", by Ahmed Murtaza Zubaidi Al Hussaini, Ansaab E Zafarabad 1800 AD, Abbasiyan E Hind 1819 is

    Ghayyas Ud Deen Zoraab Shah (Zorab Khan) Bin Taef Shah Bin Noah Bin Abbass Bin Rafeeh Bin Fazal Bin Ishaaq Bin Adil Bin Yafis Bin Saeed Bin Mohammad Bin UbaidUllah r.a Bin Abbass r.a (Uncle of Prophet Mohammad PBUH) Bin Abdul Mutlib a.s

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Correction in this article with respect to Old Historical Books Abbasiyan e Hind 1819, Ansaab Zafarabad 1800, Al Nisaab Ul Qabael Akbaria 1980 & Old Family Trees

    Hazrat Sardar Abdul Rehman Abbasi (Rattan Khan) 1500 AD , shrine is in Chamankot, Azad Kashmir. He was forefather of Ratnaal Dhund Abbasi Clan settled in Circle Bakote and Murree Hills. His Brother Name was Hazrat Sardar Qasim Abbasi (Chand Khan), forefather of Chandaal Dhund Abbasi Clan settled in Tehsil Dheerkot, Bagh & District Muzaffarabad of Azad Kashmir. His Grave was also next to his brother Rattan Khan grave.

    Sardar Abdul Rehman Khan Abbasi (Rattan Khan) had four sons;
    1: Badar Uz Zaman Khan (Badhra Khan)
    2: Hajab Daad Khan (Heijh Khan)
    3: Bukhdaad Khan (Baikh Khan)
    4: Lehrasib Khan (Lehr Khan)

    Lehrasib Khan (Lehr Khan, forfather of Lehraal Ratnaal Dhund's) had 5 sons;
    1:Imam Ali Khan (Ammo Khan)
    2:Umair Ali Khan (Humaira Khan)
    3:Shaikh Wali Khan (Shaikho Khan)
    4:Fojdaar Khan (Mojad Khan)
    5:Pehlwaan Khan (Pallo Khan)

    Pehlwaan Khan (Pallo Khan) was the forefather of Abbasi's of UC Birote & Abbasiyan.
    Pehelwan Khan has 4 sons;
    1:Sardar Changaiz Khan (Chingas Khan, forefather of Chingsaal's)
    2:Muazzam Khan (Moyo Khan, forefather of Mohiwaal's)
    3:Nakodar Khan (forefather of Nakodaraal's)
    4:Khan Mohammad Khan (forefather of Kha naal's)

    These four brothers descendants are inhabited in Circle Birote & Abbasiyan.

    Changiz Khan (Chingas Khan) had one son named Heebat Khan and Heebat Khan had 2 sons; Seechu Khan (Seechwaal's) and Azadi Khan(Audhari/Dara Khan). Azadi Khan had 2 sons named Sayyed Khan (Sayyida Khan) and Salim Khan (Salmaal's).

    Salim Khan had 2 sons named Tahir Khan & Bhago Khan. Bhago Khan was the forefather of (Kamlal's, Mehraal's, Naseerdinaal's, Chanchiyal's, Mastiyal's, Dastiyal's and Bali Begaal's).

    Salim Khan elder son was Tahir Khan. Tahir Khan was grand Father of 10 subclan's of Abbasi's living in central Birote. Tahir Khan had 2 sons named;
    Shah Mohammad Khan
    Laal Mohammad Khan (Lalli Khan)
    Lalli Khan was forefather of (Mortaal's, Bankaal's, Faqeeraal's & Bombiyaal's).

    Shah Mohammad was grandfather of 6 Clan's. Shah Mohammad had four sons:
    1: Safar Khan (Saffriyaal's)
    2: Fateh Khan (Fatiyaal's Upper Birote)
    3: Laal Khan (Lalaal's of Abbasiyan)
    4: Risalat Khan (Salat Khan)

    Risalat Khan (Salat Khan) had 3 sons named;
    1: Sehat Khan, Sehat Khan had 2 sons named Sunnat Mohammad Khan (Sunni Khan, Sunniyaal's) and Bukhush Mohammad Khan (Bukhshi Khan, Bukhshiyaal's)
    2: Meer Khan (Miraal's)
    3: Ahmed Khan. Ahmed Khan had one son named Nawaeis Ali Khan (Naweisaal's). Nawaeis Khan was my grand grandfather.

  52. Correction in this article with respect to Old Historical Books Abbasiyan e Hind 1819, Ansaab Zafarabad 1800, Al Nisaab Ul Qabael Akbaria 1980 & Old Family Trees.

    History of Abbasi Tribe of Murree Hills, Hazara KPK and Azad Kashmir

    The tribe traces its roots back to Al-‘Abbas ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib (Uncle of Prophet Mohammad)[1]. The Dhund Abbasis are descendents of the Abbasid dynasty. The descendants of Al-‘Abbas ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib assumed authority over the muslim empire from the Umayyads in 750 CE and were known as the Abbasids, this dynasty governed for 500 years from Baghdad, Iraq. The rule of the Abbasids extended eastwards across Afghanistan into the South Asian subcontinent, covering the eastern part of modern-day Pakistan. [2]

    Their Ancestor Ghayyas Ud Deen Zorab Shah Also known as Sardar Zorab Khan Abbasi (1016 AD) was Governer General and Commander of Armed Forces in Hirat, Ghazni Afghanistan during the reign of Mehmood Ghaznavi of Ghaznavid Empire. He came to sub continent with Mehmood Ghaznavi in his War Campaign during the reign of Abbasi Caliph Al Qadir Billah (990 AD to 1031AD) and attacked on the state of Kashmir. When Zorab Khan reached Kashmir along with his Army, King of Kahmir agreed to pay tax and also married his daughter to Sardar Zorab Khan Abbasi,the Abbasid Army Chief. He received great wealth And lands from King of Kashmir and settled in his state as an Ambassador of Abbasid Dynasty. His Grave is in Darkot, a village of Kohota Tehsil of District Rawalpindi. He had only one son named Ghai Mohammad Akbar Also known as Sardar Akbar Ghai Khan Abbasi whose grave was also next to his father's grave. Sardar Akbar Ghai had twelve sons by whom his race spreads. He was the forefather of Dhund, Jasgam, Ghayyal, Sarrara and Tanoli Abbasi Tribes. This incident was recorded in Miraat Us Salaateen along with the family tree of Zorab Khan Abbasi, a famous history book written in Persian in 1836 AD. Also brief History of Dhund Abbasi's along with Family Tree is recorded in Abbasiyan E Hind written in 1819 AD by Mufti Najam Ud Deen Samarqandi.

    Sardar Zorab Khan was the son of Taif Shah who was an Abbasid Commander in Khurasaan during the reign of Abbasi Caliph Al Ta'eh Li'Amr'illah who ruled from 974 to 991 AD. He later joined Subgtageen (Father of Mehmood Ghaznavi) in Khurasaan.

    The word Dhund was an honorary name given to one of their forefather Hazrat Shah Wali Ullah Also Known as Dhund Khan Abbasi by their Spritual Sheikh Hazrat Baha'ud Deen Zakria Multani. Sardar Shah Wali Ullah Khan Abbasi was also a Sufi Saint. He was the Great Grand Son of Sardar Zorab Khan Abbasi. Shah Wali's Brother name was Bagh Wali Khan (Forefather of Ghayyal & Jasgam Abbasi Tribe) living in Poonch and Bagh Districts of Azad Kashmir, along with Tehsil Kahuta of District Rawalpindi.

    One of Famous Perosnalities of Dhund Abbasi Tribe is Peer Nehmat Shah, locally known as Dada Dhummat Khan Abbasi (1380 AD). Dada Dhummat Khan Abbasi was a Sufi Saint & his shrine is in Ghora Gali, Murree. He moved from Poonch Region of Kahsmir to Murree Hills in mid fourteenth century. He was the GrandFather of All Abbasi Tribes of Murree Hills & Hazara KPK Region adjacent to Murree Hills and also GrandFather of Abbasi Tribe's of Tehsil Dheerkot, District Bagh & District Muzzaffarabad of Kashmir.

    One of Famous Spritual Grandsons of Peer Nehmat Shah's is Hazrat Sardar Abdul Rehman Khan Abbasi locally Known as Dada Rattan Khan Abbasi and Hazrat Sardar Qasim Khan Abbasi also known as Chand Khan Abbasi, who's Shrine is in Chamankot, Dheerkot Azad Kashmir. They are Forefather's of Ratnaal & Chandaal Dhund's Abbasi Clan's living in Circle Bakote KPK, Murree Hills and Kashmir.

  53. طلال عباسیوں کا شجرہ چائیے کیا یہ طولق خان سے ھیں reply

  54. Anyone know about damal abbasi of ratan khan tribe

  55. Any one tell Ameer chani khan abbasi tribe compelete

  56. I am also abbasi but I read first time history of abbasi it's really much increase my knowledge about it..
    Danish Sajid Abbasi (Polyal)

  57. some family member of jasgham laterly shifted to kallar syedan ,mohra heeran

  58. What about the Jaswal tribe?


  60. I would like to have contact number of the author to guide him about the real heroes of the branch of clan in ajk, village chamyati, the village famous for producing largest number of bureaucrats in ajk from 1880 to 2000 CE.
    Among them are:
    1.Khansahib sardar muhammad Akram khan 1868-1930s. SP police dogra regime
    2. Sardar Muhammad ayub khan judge dogra regime.
    3. Sardar ameer akbar khan inspector general Dogra Regime.
    4. Salim khan shair e jang 1947-48, graduated from srinagar Royal Sri partab college. Became Principal Secretary in Ajk. His younger brother, renowned historian Dr. MUHAMMAD Sarwar Abbasi Vice chancellor AJK university 1990-1996 Dr sarwar abbasi son ,Mr Qumar Sarwar Abbasi is a CSP Officer and presently serving as Additional Secretary, Government of Pakistan.whereas, His sister Naheed Sarwar Abbasi, has been Additional Secretary to Givernment of AJK.
    5. Sardar Maroof Akhtar Abbasi ,president J&I liberation league
    6. Mr .Asif Abbasi, collector Income Tax
    7. Sardar Muhammad aftab khan, Sp
    8. Sardar Attah elahi abbasi, eminent lawyer and ex Member federal public service commision
    9. Arshad Abbasi,, director local government ajk,served as Current Charge DG LG as well.
    10.Dr. NAVEED shazeb, Dr farhat khalid and 27 other doctors are from chamyati during 1947 -2023
    11. The list goes on.....

    1. Sir, before the 19th century, any person of the above mentioned family has written or called Abbasi with his name or in a book, or on a grave that is before 1900, Abbasi has been written on the Qutba or the above mentioned family in the property department in Patwar Khana. If the name of any person is written as Abbasi or cast is written as Abbasi, please add my information, thanks.

    2. Heartening to know that

  61. Visit This Blogspot For Accurate & Certified Information Regarding Abbasi History in Northern Pakistan

    Here is the Link

  62. We immigrated from the village name “Dabbar - Potha” from the occupied Kashmir and the family tree shows that we are also from the abbasi family with the elder name جڑولcan I get some information about this

  63. Iswal Abbasi from union council Lora Mohra Mera

  64. Bhai koi book wghara batao jaha sa ma apni family ka sajra nasab maloom kr sako Ma birote Khurd Bakote Shreef Abbottabad ma rhta ho aur Abbasi Family sa ho

  65. It's mean abbassi family is not a ahle bait and not properly connected the blood line of hazrat Abbass a uncle of Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W caste banu hashim. just word matching abbass to abbassi Astakhfirullah
